Why the secrets Module is the Ideal Choice for Generating Random Strings in Python

以前就一直很愛用 ruby 提供的 securerandom 來產生隨機字串,

但之前長時間使用 Python2 進行開發,一直忽略了 Python3 應該也會有類似的 module,

直到昨天有需求又查了一下發現,ㄏㄏ早在 3.6 就有提供這個 module 了,試一下跟 securerandom 87% 像,推薦給大家

簡單來說用 secrets 的好處是比起傳統 random module 產生出來的隨機字串

  • 更具有密碼學上的安全性
  • 更快,更簡單可以產生字串

原理的話其實就是用 os.urandom 取代 random module 內的擬隨機演算法

#### 偷懶版本,要注意 32 是 bytes,實際產生出來的長度因為 base64 encode 的關係會超過 32
from secrets import token_urlsafe

#### 長一點的版本,使用 secrets.choice
import secrets import string
alphabet = string.ascii_letters + string.digits
random_string = ''.join(secrets.choice(alphabet) for i in range(16))

ChatGPT 的回答

The benefits of using the secrets module to generate random strings (and other values) over the random module are:

Cryptographic security: The secrets module uses a cryptographically secure random number generator provided by the operating system, which is designed to be resistant to prediction and manipulation. The random module, on the other hand, uses a simpler algorithm that is not intended for cryptographic use.

Convenience: The secrets module provides a simple and intuitive interface for generating random values, without requiring manual seeding or other setup.

Efficiency: The secrets module is optimized for generating large amounts of random data quickly, and can generate random strings and other values much faster than the random module.


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